Simple Confidence Tricks

Do you know how to raise your self confidence? Most people think that they are stuck in their self esteem, like there is no way to raise that self esteem once they have it. Thankfully though, that is not the case – in fact, there are easy ways that you can feel better about yourself and boost your self confidence in no time.

Always Set Goals

If there is something that you want to accomplish, write it down. After that you can break that goal into smaller goals and reward yourself when you complete it. For instance, if you are extremely shy you could make it a goal to talk to five new people every week and at the end of the week if you meet that goal you can reward yourself with a new outfit or a fancy dinner. You can also write down your short and long term goals for your life. After all, there is nothing that will help to boost your confidence better than achieving something that you have been trying to achieve.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

We are all different and that is okay. What isn't okay is when we start to feel bad about ourselves because we are not like someone else. Instead of aiming to be better than they are, aim to be better than you are.
It’s funny because we teach our kids to do this but somehow we seem to forget it as adults. Have you ever had a child who was disappointed because they got a bad grade on a report care when their friend got a good grade in the same class? What do you tell them? You don't say 'well, you should be more like that kid', instead you say , 'you got a C in this class last semester and you got a B this semester, you should be really proud of yourself'.

As long as you are improving yourself, that is all that matters.

Change Your Self Talk

It might seem a little silly but the way that we talk to ourselves really affects the way that we see ourselves. For instance if you tell yourself that you will never understand math then odds are you will indeed reach a point where you will hate math. Even if someone gives you something that should be easy your mind simply won't let you understand it. Why? Because you have told yourself that you cannot do it.
And this works with everything we say about ourselves, whether it is about our appearance, our personality, or even our finances.

Learn to praise yourself every day. Even if you don't think you are pretty, start telling yourself every day that you are pretty. It may take a few weeks of speaking positively about yourself before you start to raise your self esteem, but it does work.

When you make these simple changes in your life, you will start to raise your self esteem and realize just how valuable you truly are. But the most important thing about being kind to yourself is that it allows you to feel comfortable trying new things and it helps you to figure out who you truly are.

Quick Ways To Overcome Social Shyness

Are you sick of feeling awkward and shy in social situations? Don’t worry it happens to the best of us. It can be downright overwhelming to be in a crowded room full of strangers, (or even friends), and be asked to give your opinion on something. This gets even worse when you are the center of attention for one reason or another.

Feeling shy is a natural part of life. We all have times when we just simply feel out of place. There is nothing wrong with being shy, and it doesn't make you rude or a bad person. But if your shyness gets to the point where it causes you major anxiety then it might be time for you to try to overcome your social shyness.
Luckily, there are a few easy ways to do this, and if you start to use these simple tricks you will quickly find yourself feeling less stressed and more at ease during your next social gathering.

1.Laugh It Up

There is just something unique about laughter. It isn't just good for the soul it is also contagious. When one person laughs, everyone laughs – it is only natural.  Laughter is freeing, it makes you feel good, and more importantly it is physically good for the body. When you are at your next social outing don't be afraid to laugh when you find something funny, chances are others will soon follow your lead.

2.Give Yourself a Time Limit – Stay the Whole Time

Instead of getting to the event and spending your evening counting down until it should all be over, set yourself a time limit before you get there. Decide how many hours you are going to stay, figure out what you are going to say  to the host when you leave, and think about how you can effectively spend whatever time you are going to spend at the event. You want to make sure that you get to say hello to everyone that you want to see and you want to give yourself enough time to make small talk. Also, you definitely don't want to stay for less than one or two hours because you don't want your host to feel slighted by your quick exit. Still though, if you are able to set a time limit of how long you will be at the event then you will be able to go through the event knowing that you only have a certain amount of time that you have to push yourself to be sociable.

3.Be Okay With Silence

So many times we feel like when things are quiet there is something wrong, this is especially true when we are dealing with social gatherings. But it is okay to have silence. It is also okay to be the quiet one at the party, and it is okay not to have much to say. Remember, there is a big difference between being quiet and being rude. As long as you are polite, you smile, and you respond with interest when people talk to you, they won't think anything negative about you if you are quiet.

Following these simple tips will help you to start to overcome your social shyness. If you feel heavy anxiety in social situations or if you just simply feel like you cannot get any further in 'breaking out of your shell' you may want to consider talking to a counselor.

Hypnosis and Self Esteem

If you are struggling with self-confidence issues, one thing that you might want to consider is hypnosis. Not only is hypnosis easy, but is also becoming more popular as a way to combat low self-esteem issues.
Even though it might seem like hypnosis is a silly way to solve your problems, there is a real science to it. Not only that but many people have felt the benefits of hypnosis in many different areas of life. You can get hypnotized to have more confidence in:

*Your Love Life
*Your Business Success
*Relationships With Family and Friends
*Relationships With Yourself and Food
*And More…much, much more

Think about this. How long would it take you to sit with a therapist and create a plan to deal with your self esteem issues? Be honest here. First, the therapist would have to get to know you and develop and understanding of how your mind works. Then the two of you will have to work together to figure out how to help you step out of your comfort zone. Finally, you will have to start putting those goals into action and keep checking back in with the therapist as you keep working on your self-esteem. Realistically all of this could take a year or more for you to accomplish, (after all real change takes time).  But with hypnosis, you could start to feel better about yourself in just a few simple sessions.

What Does It Mean To Be Hypnotized?

For many people, they look at hypnosis the way it is portrayed in the movies. Someone is swinging a golden pocket watch while the person is in a deep sleep. Then the person who is hypnotized will be forced to run around doing wacky things like barking and clucking like a chicken. And of course everyone around the hypnotized person gets a good laugh at the poor persons expense. But hypnosis is not like that. Hypnosis is a very serious thing indeed. Not serious to the point where you should be worried that it could seriously affect you, but serious enough that no one will make fun of you or make you do silly things for their own pleasure.

When you go under hypnosis you will be taken into a state of deep relaxation. Your mind and your body will be at complete rest. The hypnotists will then work to tap into your subconscious mind and help you to think differently subconsciously. Because your subconscious is a very powerful connection to you, it will help you to make the right choices more easily.

So let's say that you want to get hypnotized to lose weight. Before you go under hypnosis, you know that you should be eating more fruits and vegetables to get healthy but you just can't bring yourself to do it.
After you have had hypnosis, your subconscious will want to eat fruits and vegetables, (because that is what your hypnotist knows you need to eat to be healthy), so your subconscious will help you to make the right decisions there.

When you change the way that you think about yourself, and when you change the way that you interact with the world around you your self confidence will soar.

How to Raise a Self Confident Child

Every parent wants their child to walk with their head held high, be proud of who they are, and believe in themselves enough that they aren't afraid of any challenges that the world has to offer. It's every parents dream to have a child that is able resist peer pressure, walk their own path, and not feel the need to compromise themselves to make friends. And with bullying becoming such a problem for the kids of today, it is more important than ever that our children have that self esteem that they so desperately need.
But raising a child with self confidence isn't necessarily as easy as it sounds. For starters, if you overindulge your child then you might be faced with a spoiled child, one that doesn't understand that their actions have consequences. If a child feels like they can do no wrong then they can wind up in more trouble later on in life because they aren't used to having to having anyone to answer to when they do something wrong.
Then again on the other hand, when you don't raise your child to be proud of themselves, it is much more likely that they can become victims of school bullying because a child who lacks confidence is less likely to stand up for themselves and more likely to believe the negative things other people say about them.
As a parent, how do you raise a confident child without raising a spoiled child?

Praise the Good

Even if your child doesn't come in first every time, the important thing is that they try their hardest in whatever they do. No child is perfect at everything and it is okay if your child is not good at sports, math, or whatever else all his friends are good at. The important thing is that he tries his best and he is a good sport. Kids can be more competitive than we give them credit for. So if your child is down on himself for not scoring that winning goal or acing that spelling test tell him what he is doing right and how proud you are that you know he made his best effort.

Be Firm But Fair

There will always be times when your child messes up, they are still learning. And as a parent it can be very hard to see your child's side of things when they have done something that hurts your feelings or they have done something that you never thought your child would do.

Kids need rules and consequences, but what they need most is love. That doesn't mean that you let the rules and consequences fly out of the window, what it does mean is that once you set a punishment you should stick with it but also let your child know that once the punishment is over, it is done.  No matter how upset you get you shouldn't bring up their past wrongs or talk about their mistakes once they have paid for them. Instead, praise your for what they do right and tell them that since they have completed their punishment it is finished and you guys can move on.

Don't Be Afraid to Be Silly

Many times kids feel like there is a barrier between them and adults. And for the most part, it should be this way. After all, adults are the role models and they should be respected – no parent wants their kid talking to them like they would talk to their friends on the playground. At the same time, your child needs to feel comfortable enough around you that they will want to come to you when they have problems and most importantly you want your child to be confident enough that they aren’t afraid to tell another person if they are making them feel uncomfortable, (even if that person is an adult). Taking some time to really talk and be silly with your child every week will let them see a completely different side of you and it will also strengthen your bond. But being silly with your kids isn't just about letting them see you in a different light, it is also shows them that they can feel comfortable, confident, and self assured around adults.

Watch Your Words

Every parent has rough days. Every parent is going to have a day when nothing seems to go right with their child and that child is really pushing their buttons. When this happens to you it is important that you do whatever you need to do to calm yourself down. This can be counting to 10, putting your child in time out while you take some time to cool off, or even letting your spouse watch your child while you take a drive.
It doesn't matter what you do when you are stressed, what does matter is how you handle that stress. You don't want to punish while you are angry and more than anything you want to be careful what you say to your child.

Remember, being frustrated with your child is not like being frustrated with another adult. Kids tend to believe whatever their parents say about them and if you call them names, say things that will hurt them, or make them feel bad about themselves those feelings will stay with them long after your argument is done.
You want your child to know who they are and believe in themselves. Following these simple tips will help you to have a better relationship with your child and help your child to feel better about themselves.

Helping Your Teen Overcome Shyness

 If you are a parent, it can be a struggle to deal with a shy teen. On one hand, you want to help your child to overcome their shyness so that they can start to live their life to the fullest. On the other hand, you don't want your child to think that there is something wrong with them if you confront them about it and you don't want them to become even more self conscious because you said something to them.  If you are dealing with a self conscious teen, here are some tips to help you out.

It Is Okay To Come In Second

One thing that is typical of shy kids is their desire to come in first all of the time. This doesn't mean that they will be overly competitive, and it doesn't even mean that they will tell you that this particular activity is something they want to be good at. What it does mean is that shy kids tend to take it really hard when they don't come in first place all of the time.

Instead of trying to cheer your child up about not winning or not getting an A on that paper, look at what they did well and really praise them about that. Show them that you will be proud of them no matter what and that it is okay if they don't come in first place all of the time. You may think that failure will destroy your teen - after all, if you allow him or her to fail, won't that destroy his or her self-confidence? Surprisingly, failure can be an opportunity - it's a chance to self-assess and ultimately build self-confidence.

Teach Your Teen the Tools To Overcome Shyness

This is a tough one, especially when you don't want to talk to your teen about their shyness for fear of making them feel bad about themselves. But there are many sneaky ways that you can help to give your child the tools they need to grow.

For example, when they find something that they really seem to enjoy, (no matter how you or the people around him/her feel about it), try to get your teen involved with a group that shares the same interests. So if your child is into designing comics, look online to see where aspiring comic book artists like to learn and then look for something close to where you live.

Thanks to the internet you can also encourage your child to connect with other comic book artists on social networks and from there you can look for social networking groups that are geared towards teens who are into comic book art. Of course, when you are dealing with the internet you want to make sure that you carefully monitor everything and everyone your child is having contact with.

Teach Your Child To Accept Personal Responsibility

At one time or another, we have all dealt with that parent, the one who doesn't think that their child can ever do anything wrong. This is the parent who will be up in the coaches face at a sporting event or will make excuses for their child whenever they are in trouble.

Are you that parent? It is hard to think about, I know. No one wants to think of themselves as that parent. But sometimes we love our kids so much that we don't even realize that we are that parent. It is very important that you allow your child to stand up for themselves and stand on their own feet when it comes to peer situations. This is the only way that they will be able to overcome their shyness and move into a successful adulthood.

Yes, if you feel that your child is being severely bullied or they are involved in physical altercations it is your job as a parent to step in. But other than the most extreme cases, your child will learn to deal with their social situations on their own.

As a parent, you never want your teen to struggle. Dealing with a shy teen is no different. Following these tips will help your teen start to overcome their shyness in no time.

The Benefits Of Being A Confidence Coach

Do people tell you you're encouraging? Do you find that you enjoy giving people helpful advice and boosting their confidence? Then you might consider becoming a confidence coach.

This profitable and ever-changing business comes in many forms. Some people choose to only coach a specific type of people (like the clumsy dater or the stressed new mother), a certain age group (like teenagers), or certain genders. But no matter what they teach, the confidence coach is able to help people tremendously and make a good amount of money doing it.

A Confidence Coach – What Is It?

Basically a confidence coach is just that – someone who can teach you how to be more confident in some area of your life. It might not seem like much, but just a few changes in the way that you talk to yourself can dramatically change your life. A confidence coach can teach you how to talk to yourself differently, how to look at yourself differently, and how to find the value in yourself. And just like everyone can use a boost of self-confidence in some area, everyone has what it takes to be a confidence coach in one area or another.

So let's say that you were a confidence coach, what would you do? First, you would give advice, training, and tips to your clients that will help them to overcome their self-confidence issues. A coach would start by helping their client to identify the real reasons that they are struggling with low self-confidence and they will help them to overcome that low self-confidence. A coach will also help clients to identify both short-term and long-term goals so that the client is set up for the success they are looking for.

How Can Confidence Coaches Do Their Jobs?

Let's say that you are a confidence coach. There would be many different tools you could use to help someone to build their confidence.
Some examples include:

* CDs /DVDs/MP3s – you create a series of some kind, put it into audio format and create printable worksheets to go along with the audios

* Online tutorials – your clients can go online at their convenience and learn the different aspects of your self-confidence coaching. You can also do webinars where the clients can listen to you live and ask you questions without giving out their name.
*Digital Courses, Study Guide, Videos, and eBooks
* Phone calls, personal emails, private Skype sessions, and online chats

What Do You Need to Become A Confidence Coach?

If you are interested in being a confidence coach, there are some trainings that you can take to help you get started. You want to first figure out who you want to be a coach to and why you want to coach them.
Don’t pick an area of coaching that you need to learn yourself, instead, pick an area where you are already successful and confident yourself.

For example, if you did good in school you probably know the study habits and confidence tips to help teenagers realize their true academic potential.  On the other hand if you are dealing with something like debt it will be much harder for you to be a financial coach because you will not have the confidence of knowing that  you are great at dealing with finances.
You could also do it without the training, if you are already an expert on a certain topic and you feel confident that you can clearly teach that to others.

More than anything though, you need to do your homework, research what other confidence coaches in your specialized area are doing to help their clients. This will not only help you to see what is working and what is not, but it will also help you to form relationships that might be valuable in the future.

Self-Confidence In Teens

It doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl, being a teen is rough. Many times people talk about girls and their fragile self-confidence, but the reality is that boys can have confidence issues too. If you are a teen who is struggling with self-confidence, (or if you are a parent searching for help with their teens self confidence), here are a few tips to help you out.

Realize Your Talents

You might not see it, but you have a lot of talent in you. It can be hard to see that talent when you are in a school of hundreds of peoples and you don't get any special recognition – but you do have talent, it is there.
Find what it is that you love to do and embrace it. Do it for fun, use it as your creative outlet, and most of all don't let anyone devalue your creative abilities! Remember, many times the teens who were made fun of for their special talents grow up to be the ones that change the world. Do some research, you will be surprised to find some of the world's most talented people had others tell them that they should give up on their dreams long before they became a success.

Work on Your Abilities, Build Them Up

Maybe you have just one or two things that you feel really passionate about right now, or maybe you have many things that you like to do. Either way, that is okay. Have fun doing all of the things that you like to do.
As you keep getting better at them, your self-esteem will keep rising.

Be Like a Duck

There is a saying that goes 'be like a duck, a duck let's everything roll off of it's back'. This is something that you should be doing too. Once you know that you are good at things and you have a large amount of value, it can be easy to understand that your worth comes from inside of yourself, not from others.

Don't Compare Yourself To Others

It is so easy to look at those who share your interests and gauge how good you are by how good they are. It is very easy to be like, 'well, I can do this but my friends can't, so obviously I am pretty good'. It is also easy to think, 'well, I can't do this but all of my friends can, I am not very good at this'.

Remember, you are you and that is all that matters. Let's say that you can't do something that all of your friends can do, you might want to give up but you shouldn't. If you love what you are doing, if you have fun doing it, then you should be able to do it without worrying about what everyone else is doing.
As you keep doing what you love, you will keep getting better – don't be surprised if you are quickly able to do more than what your friends with the same hobby can do.

Remember, you have a lot of value. It might be hard to realize that you are important when you are a teenager because you are trying to figure out who you are. When you learn to listen to yourself and give yourself value, you will find that it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about you.